Re: Issues adding an IF to COUNTIF
Try this: =COUNTIFS({Task Tracking - Phase}, OR(@cell = "Initiation", @cell = "Planning", @cell = "Execution", @cell = "Close Out"), {Task Tracking - Business …1 · -
Re: SUMIFS formula syntax
Try; =SUMIFS(Revenue:Revenue, Category:Category, "Service", Topic:Topic, CONTAINS("HVAC", @cell), Status:Status, "Won")2 · -
Re: Nested IF / AND Statements
It looks like you're closing your arguments so it can't work through the list. Try it like this: =IF(AND(MONTH(Start@row) = 6, MONTH(END@row) = 6), [Forecast Cost]@row, IF(AND(MONTH(Start@row) = 6, M…1 · -
Re: Issue with COUNTIFS
Try: =COUNTIFS({Surveys and Works - Task ID}, <>"D1", {Surveys and Works - due date}, AND(@cell<=TODAY(), NOT(ISBLANK(@cell)1 · -
Re: Is there a way to calculate age in years and months (4 years, 11 months for example)?
Try this one. I saved it from a post a while back that I can't find at moment, but edited to fit DOB. =YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR(DOB@row) - IF(DATE(YEAR(DOB@row), MONTH(TODAY()), DAY(TODAY())) < DOB@ro…1 ·